Qualifying Examination for Registered Government Auditor

The RGA-QE assessment comprises of three Papers:

  • Paper 1: The first paper focuses on the regulatory framework for government auditors. The PFMA, MFMA, Treasury Regulations, Public Audit Act, the Constitution, INTOSAI Code of Ethics, current developments in auditing, the King Code of Corporate Governance as applicable to public entities.
  • Paper 2: The second paper focuses on public sector accounting topics. GRAP for departments and local authorities, preparing annual financial statements for government departments, basic accounting principles.
  • Paper 3: The third paper focuses on government auditing and related topics. International Accounting Standards (IAS), IAS applied to the AGSA’s audit manuals, performance auditing, auditing of performance information, forensic auditing and information technology- auditing perspectives.

For enquiries contact:

Education, Development and Training  Administrator:


012 004 0741


Public Sector Auditor Examination

Official Exam - 23 March 2024

Public Sector Auditor Examination

Supplementary Exam - 01 June 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Ethics & Regulatory Framework (Paper 1) - 02 April to 06 April 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Accounting (Paper 2) - 08 April to 12 April 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Auditing (Paper 3) - 15 April to 19 April 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Ethics & Regulatory Framework (Paper 1) - 11 May 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Accounting (Paper 2) - 18 May 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Auditing (Paper 3) - 25 May 2024

FINAL GASP Examination dates

Ethics & Regulatory Framework (Paper 1) - 13 July 2024

FINAL GASP Examination dates

Accounting (Paper 2) - 20 July 2024

FINAL GASP Examination dates

Auditing (Paper 3) - 27 July 2024


Public Sector Auditor Examination

Official Exam Date - 28 September 2024

Public Sector Auditor Examination

Supplementary Exam - 07 December 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Ethics & Regulatory Framework (Paper 1) - 30 September 2024 to 04 October 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Accounting (Paper 2) - 07 October to 11 October 2024

RGA QE Preparatory Course

Auditing (Paper 3) - 14 October to 18 October 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Ethics & Regulatory Framework (Paper 1) - 02 November 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Accounting (Paper 2) - 09 November 2024

RGA Qualifying Examination

Auditing (Paper 3) - 16 November 2024