Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for RGA designation

Application Process

  • Recognition of prior learning must be motivated by presenting evidence to the RPL evaluator. The evaluator will sign off the competencies for which the candidate is recognised.
  • Experience gained from employer(s)should be supported by a letter(s) from the employer(s). The letter(s)must include employment start and end date, position, details of experience gained relevant to SAIGA key competency areas. Also refer to the RPL Evaluation Template for detailed evidence required.
  • RPL evaluation will be based on RGA Competency Framework accessible on SAIGA website.
  • If experience was obtained as a trainee at another professional body, please submit previous assessment reports.
  • Certified copies of qualifications and professional body certificates must be attached.
  • Applicant must have a minimum of NQF 8 qualification in Auditing or Accounting or passed GASP.
  • Applicant must have completed and signed articles with exposure and focus in the public sector OR
  • Applicant must have minimum of five years working experience in external auditing or public finance management.
  • Certified copies of the signed logbook must be submitted (if applicable).
  • Detailed CV with contactable references.
  • Certified ID copy
  • Proof of payment.
  • Applicant must be a SAIGA member or in the process of applying to be a member.
  • Complete consent and Indemnity form for Criminal Checks and Qualification verifications.
  • Final verification of RPL evidence will be assessed by the Education Committee. SAIGA reserves the right to overturn the evaluator’s recommendation.
  • RPL Applications must be emailed to admin@saiga.co.za
  • Non-refundable of R3400,00 payable includes, background and qualification check as well as RPL evaluators fees.
  • Please click here to access RPL Application form and Evaluation Template to submit required evidence.

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